CISIApro main features
CISIA simulator (Critical Infrastructure Simulation by Interdependent Agents) has been designed for analyzing the short-term effects of failure both in terms of faults propagation and with respect to performance degradation. CISIApro 2.0  comes from the old...
MHR Modeling approach
Some of the holistic models allow what is called global analysis. The global analysis includes qualitative techniques aimed at identifying and characterizing the various critical infrastructures emphasizing their role in the global context. This type...
General informations The CISIAmat toolbox is available on any platform running MATLAB and a Database with connectors for MATLAB. The toolbox has been developed using MySQL and Java connector. The toolbox has been developed using:...
CISIApro 2.0 (Critical Infrastructure Simulation by Interdependent Agents) is a software engine able to evaluate complex cascading effects, considering (inter)dependencies and faults propagation among the considered complex scenario. CISIApro 2.0 can eventually consider also the mitigation and restoration actions with two-folds consequences: evaluating...

A MATLAB tool for modeling cascading effects

CISIApro 2.0 is a software based on Matlab that can be used for modeling interdependencies and propagate faults and cascading effects. Hence, it is able to evaluate the propagation of a risk associated to an adverse event in complex network of infrastructures. The software is suitable for on-line and real-time applications directly connected to several sources of information, such as SCADA control centers, NMSs (Network Management Systems), IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems), IPSs (Intrusion Prevention Systems.), and eventually many others. Assessing the consequences of adverse events improves the situational awareness of the operator and can eventually help in making better decisions, having a more complete evaluation of the entire scenario.   

CISIApro 2.0 released
CISIApro 2.0 project has been released as a consequence of RESISTO project. The toolbox, working under MATLAB, can be downloaded and freely installed!  
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CISIApro 2.0 within RESISTO project

CISIApro 2.0 has been developed by UNIROMA3 along many European projects and within RESISTO project has reached a TRL 7 for telecommunication-based networks. As a matter of fact, until now, CISIApro has been used in electrical, gas, water distribution and telecommunication environments.